스퍼터링 타겟(Sputtering Targets)
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Pure Metal Target
Material Formula Standard Purities,
Theoretical Density,
Melting Point,
Fabrication Method* Applications
Aluminum Al 99.999
2.70 660 1 Conductive film in IC's. High reflectivity front surface mirrors and reflectors on glass. In oxidized form, interference filters.
Antimony Sb 99.999
6.62 630.5 1 & 2 Semiconducting films.
Bismuth Bi 99.999
9.80 271.3 1 & 2 Ferromagnetic and resistive thin films.
Boron B 99.5
90-92, 94-96
2.34 2030 2 Semiconductor. Diffusion layer.
Cadmium Cd 99.999
8.65 320.9 1 & 2 Dielectric thin film. For metallizing paper, etc.
Chromium Cr 99.95
7.19 1875 1,2 & 3 Excellent adhering film on numerous substrates. Deposit on glass for printed circuit base. Co-deposit with SiO for resistor films.
Cobalt Co 99.9 8.90 1495 1 & 2 Ferromagnetic thin films.
Copper Cu 99.999
8.96 1083 1 Junction films in integrated circuits. Contacts.
Germanium Ge 99.9999
5.32 937.4 1 High index film in infrared filters.
Gold Au 99.999
19.30 1063 1 Contacts. Highly reflecting films.
Graphite C 99.9
2.26 3727 2 Lubricant film. Semiconductor applications.
Hafnium Hf 99.9
(excl. Zr)
13.10 2222 1 Dielectric. Interference layers.
Indium In 99.999
7.31 156.2 1 Superconducting films. Transistor contacts, diodes.
Iron Fe 99.9 7.86 1536 1 & 2 Magnetic and memory elements. Ferromagnetic thin films.
Lead Pb 99.999 11.40 327.4 1 Semiconducting films. Cyrogenic applications.
Magnesium Mg 99.99
1.74 651 1 Diffusion with bismuth on glass to form ferromagnetic films.
Manganese Mh 99.95 7.43 1245 2 Contacts for semiconductors. Adherence film.
Molybdenum Mb 99.95 10.20 2610 2 Contacts. Hard, smooth film. Multilayer circuits.
Nickel Ni 99.995,99.99, 99.97, 99.9 8.90 1453 1 & 2 Ferromagnetic films. Memory elements.
Niobium Nb 99.9+ 8.40 2468 1 Anodic films for rectification.
Palladium Pd 99.95
12.00 1552 1 & 2 Corrosion resistant contacts.
Platinum Pt 99.95
21.45 1769 1 Corrosion resistant contacts. Co-deposit with Si.
Rare Earth   99.9
(excl. Ta)
varies varies 1 Misc. applications.
Rhenium Re 99.99 20.53 3180 2 Contacts.
Ruthenium Ru 99.9 12.20 2500 2 Corrosion resistant contacts.
Selenium Se 99.999 4.50 220 1 Photoconductive and rectifier films.
Silicon Si 99.999 2.33 1410 1 Mechanical and chemical resistant coating. Interference filter.
Silver Ag 99.99 10.50 960.8 1 Reflective film. Conductive contact. Bonding layer.
Tantalum Ta 99.95 16.60 2996 1 Thin film capacitor and resistors.
Tellurium Te 99.99, 99.95
6.25 452 2 Blocking contact in thin film devices.
Tin Sn 99.999 7.30 231.9 1 Cyrogenic switching devices.
Tungsten W 99.95 19.30 3410 2 Contacts. Hard, adherent films.
Vanadium V 99.5-99.7 5.96 1900 1 & 2 Co-evaporate with SiO for resistor films.
Zinc Zn 99.999
7.14 419.5 1 Capacitor dielectric films. For metalizing paper, etc.
Zirconium Zr 99.9
(excl. Hf)
6.49 1852 1 Interference filter. On tungsten field emitters to alter emission characteristics.